On writing shoot-outs, OK Corral-style

I grew up watching Westerns with my Dad, from Shane to Jesse James, from High Noon to True Grit. Probably the Magnificent seven would be my favourite. But can you imagine how to write something like that, to capture the dynamics, in a book? Not so easy.

I often get a bit lost when reading fight or shooting scenes in books. I end up thinking, oh – he’s there, I thought he was somewhere else. Or, gosh, he must have extendable arms and triple-jointed elbows… Like I say, not easy.…

Guest Blog – JFK’s travels & writing

Last week I had a guest blog on Karen King’s ‘Travel Thursday’ Blog. It seems to have had a lot of hits, so thought I’d post it here as well. You can read it here.…

Find out what your readers like about your writing

Most authors love getting reviews. Especially good ones. And if you’re planning on writing more than one book, and especially if you’re writing a series, you want to make sure you keep them happy. You can always dwell on the bad reviews, but hey, there will always be some who don’t like what you write. And even if you change the way you write, those people probably aren’t going to read you again, so, in the words of Tolkein’s Lord of the Rings, why not ‘turn towards the light’?…