Nadia series re-released!
All three Nadia thrillers have been re-released with new covers, here’s the first one. All three emphasise the underwater element, which was important to me as a diver. I’m doing some new marketing, especially in the US where the books originally had very few sales, so will see how it goes……
Latest book doing well, boxed set just launched…
Just had a new review posted, with my new favourite byline, you can read it here. Books been doing well, got an Amazon orange sticker for best new SF release which I wasn’t expecting! I also just launched the ‘Boxed set’ ebook version, all 3 books in one volume, including some of Suman’s fabulous artwork!
The finale is launched!
The final part of the trilogy, When the Children Fight Back, is now available on kindle and in paperback, and is already attracting some great reviews! The finale involves a dozen alien species fighting against the AI known as the Eye, along with Nathan and Sally, both older and wiser, both determined to stop humanity’s nemesis at all costs.