Happy New Year (2024!) to all my readers

As New Year is just around the corner, here’s an Eden Paradox visual from artist Suman Chakraborty of the Ulysses crew, after a difficult voyage, finally approaching Eden, only to find there’s a desert where there shouldn’t be one… The entire crew begin to wonder if Kat’s nightmares are going to come true…

Happy 2024 everyone!

Just an update – the Eden Paradox series continues to sell well – not everyone’s cup of tea, but many go on to read all 4 books in the ‘trilogy’, and the Children of the Eye series also doing okay. Artwork below by John Harris was to be the front cover of a short story collection… One day…Illustration

Nadia series re-released!

All three Nadia thrillers have been re-released with new covers, here’s the first one. All three emphasise the underwater element, which was important to me as a diver. I’m doing some new marketing, especially in the US where the books originally had very few sales, so will see how it goes…