Nadia heading North…
I’m sitting in a brasserie at the seaside on the French northern coast, fast approaching the 70000 word mark, and thought I’d give an update on Nadia’s progress.
So far the book begins in Hong Kong (see earlier blogs for excerpts), where Nadia is trying to locate Salamander, and encounters Blue Fan, a deadly assassin from one of the five main triads. The first quarter stays in Hong Kong, and I have to admit that I love working on this section, because I adore Hong Kong, having gone there many times, mainly to practice tai chi, but also just to soak up the supercharged atmosphere of this workaholic city that never sleeps.…
88 North – the end for Nadia?
The cover for the third book in the Nadia Laksheva series was revealed yesterday, and a big thanks to Harper Collins for producing a brilliant cover design. 88 North is close to the top of the world, and it is where the conclusion of the three books occurs, in a frozen landscape, where Nadia must face down her nemesis.
At the moment I’m about two thirds of the way through writing the book, due out 14th December, and Nadia is in Northern Sudan, and has just done her deepest dive ever, and I mean seriously deep.…
Midway through my first blog tour
I’m halfway through the first blog tour for 66 Metres, and have to say it’s a great experience. Sixteen bloggers talking about my book over a week-long period, whether passing reviews, showing extracts from the book or, as in today, a guest blog about my (slightly scary) writing process.
What is amazing is the community of bloggers and readers who support all this by liking and retweeting on twitter, and I’m talking hundreds of tweets, so it generates a real buzz, which is definitely increasing awareness of the book and sales. …